the smsf generations report

SMSF specialists getting due recognition

Linked to increasing trustee sophistication

By Darin Tyson-Chan and Samantha Hodge
Wed 25 Jul 2012

Practitioners considered experts in the field are the favoured basis for SMSF advice, a new survey has shown.

Individuals seeking advice on their self-managed superannuation funds (SMSF) are preferring to use the services of a professional who is an expert in the field, new industry research has revealed.

The finding is a result of “The SMSF Generations Report” compiled by Macquarie Bank and the SMSF Professionals’ Association of Australia.

“When we asked people about who they want to get advice from it wasn’t necessarily an adviser or an accountant, for many people it was a professional who is an expert in the field,” Macquarie Banking and Financial Services Group analytics research manager Gary Lembit said.

When conducting the research, respondents were also given the choice between the terms financial adviser and accountant as their preferred advisory sources, Lembit said.

He said the response reflected a shift in priorities among SMSF trustees. To ream more click here.

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SPAA Specialist Auditor

SPAA Specialist Auditor

Shiv Parihar is a SMSFA accredited SMSF Specialist Auditorâ„¢. He provides SMSF auditing services independently, conflict free and in accordance with professional audit standards.

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